Friday, February 09, 2007

Nicole Eippers : The Year Of The Pig

Thanks Nicole for this nice envelope of yours. There's no need to be sorry! I'm just discovering that many people find it difficult to send or resize images. In fact having learned a few things about it, I only focus on all the things I still have to learn myself and forget how it was for me when I started. As for my "Étant donné 1 2 project", I would have liked to be able to help people like you who think they can't do it, but it doesn't matter that much. There are also people who know how to but don't care about reading the project or are not interested in it. Next project will be postal... but I hope not so easy for that. I fact I'm not interested in simply submitting a theme.
Nicole, as it seems a rule for me, your snail mail art will also get a snail mail art answer!



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